DION invites all the PhDs, post-docs and temporary scientific staff at NTNU to join a Climate Fresk workshop on Tuesday, October 25, in Trondheim.
Please register using the registration link as there is a limited number of spots available.
REGISTRATION LINK (only accessible with NTNU account, but if you do not have one e.g. you are a visiting researcher, contact us): https://forms.office.com/r/TThV47tXJQ
Climate change! You hear it everywhere, but do you understand how it works? What is really causing the sea level rise? What is the connection between CO2 emissions and disruption of the water cycle? There is a way to learn about it in 3 hours: Climate Fresk workshop!
During the workshop, we are going to play a collaborative game that brings climate science to the table, literally! The workshop ends with a discussion, where we share thoughts and ideas on the topic. Remember, you don’t need any prior knowledge. You can read more about the workshop here: https://climatefresk.org/
We’re going to serve pizza to all participants. You can also register with a friend or a family member!
The deadline for registration is October 24.
REGISTRATION LINK (only accessible with NTNU account, but if you do not have one e.g. you are a visiting researcher, contact us): https://forms.office.com/r/TThV47tXJQ