Follow-up of the Mental Health Awareness Week

In November 2020, DION organized and supported a series of events across campuses to raise awareness about the mental health of PhDs, post-docs, and temporary scientific staff at NTNU. This week included seminars regarding the services at NTNU, practical workshops providing guidance on how to manage stress, meditation and fitness techniques that can improve our overall well-being. You can find the links and information provided during the weeks below.

In addition, be sure to follow our, as we posted further information and tips on our social media channels #MHAwarenessWeek.

Useful links

Occupational Health Services at NTNU

Tips on how to set up your office so protect your health:

Coperio Center

Besides the services offered by OHS at NTNU, employees at NTNU can contact the Coperio Center (external center) for psychological help (for NTNU to cover the cost, you need a signature from your manager). THIS IS DIFFERENT FROM THE SERVICES OFFERED BY OHS:

Courses and training for your mental and physical health

  • Physical exercise is good for your body and for your mind. Remember to exercise 30 min a day, 5 days a week! NTNU employees can also exercise 1 hr./ week during their workday. Find out about physical health and training at NTNU here:
  • These Innsida channels will keep you informed of upcoming physical activities for staff: Trening for NTNU-ansatte ; Trening for ansatte NTNU i Gjøvik; Trening for ansatte NTNU i Ålesund
  • NTNU CERG has developed a number of evidence-based exercise programs to help improve your health and fitness:
  • In Gjøvik, employees of NTNU can make an appointment for a free massage. Masseur Svein Erik Hagen visits NTNU in Gjøvik every Wednesday between 07.30 and 13. Send SMS to +47 40 40 10 67 for booking.
  • Other options for mental health and stress management:
    • labor unions organize classes for their member. Check your unions’ news update
    • Courses from SiT (both mental and physical health): ;