There are a few things you might want to know when starting a PhD, post-doc or temporary scientific position at NTNU. While many elements would be specific to your department or project, here some key resources to help you navigate your first months.
Get started as an NTNU employee
NTNU’s intranet (Innsida) has step-by-step guide to help you with the logistics of your new position.
International researchers may also visit the NTNU International Researcher Support (NIRS) website and subscribe to their newsletter and Innsida channel for information about living and working in Norway. NIRS also organise “New at NTNU” events twice a year for internationals starting at the university.
For information on specific issues such as employment, salary and unions, please visit our dedicated pages in our ‘How can we help’ section. We highly recommend joining a union when you start working at NTNU.
Starting a PhD
General information about PhD education at NTNU can be found on the university’s webpage on PhD education. The PhD 1-2-3 page on innsida and the PhD on Track website gather resources to help you at each stage of your PhD.
Each faculty organizes induction days for new PhDs. Keep an eye on your faculty’s Innsida channel!
Compulsory coursework depends on your program and your department. Please check your department’s guidelines for futher information. Further information on how to register for courses and on the grading system can be found on Innsida.
Starting a Post-Doc
General information on post-doctoral opportunities can be found on NTNU’s website.
The Postdoc Action Pilot Project has created a series of dedicated resources for post-doc fellows with information on opportunities, useful resources and career development.
Further resources:
- The PhD Handbook
- PhD education at NTNU: a summary report from survey of supervisors and their candidates [in Norwegian]
- Rules and regulations for studies [in Norwegian]
- Apart from academic courses, NTNU also offers skill development courses open to all empoyees.
- Each faculty/deparment generally have a dedicated website related to PhD-work at their division.
- DION 2016 Survey among post-doctoral researchers at NTNU
- DION 2018 Survey on on-boarding experience at NTNU
- DION meeting with NTNU faculties to discuss onboarding
For international workers
- (a guide for public services in Norway)
- New to Norway