DION provides support grants for educational and/or social activities for our members at NTNU! All PhD candidates, Postdocs and other temporary scientific employees at NTNU are eligible to apply for a grant to cover expenses related to organizing activities that create opportunities for PhD students and post-docs to network, learn, and enrich their experience at NTNU.
Thank you to all applicants. The next call will be announced soon.
Successful grant applicants in 2019-2020 include:
- How to succeed with team building in multidisciplinary projects?
- Free workshop on Desk fitness
- Social juggling workshop for non-jugglers
- Speed Lingua! (Language Cafe) at NTNU Ålesund
- Ice Skating – Enjoy winter on ice at Gjøvik Fjellhallen
- OK Computer: Being a researcher in the digital era
- How to pitch your research storo to a non-academic audience
- Stoic Principles for a Healthy Academic Life
This year, we decided to give preference to applications addressing the topics of “parenthood” or “mental health”.