DION invites PhD-students and Postdocs within life-sciences to the Career Day by Novartis to show how Novartis as a global pharmaceutical company works to make a difference to patients.
When? 15. june 2022; 16:00-18:00
Where? Kunnskapssenteret St.Olavs, rom KS12
16:15-16:25: Introduction by DION
16:25-17:00: Breaking into the pharmaceutical industry
17:00-17:15: Q&A
17:15-17:45: Novartis, Reimagining Medicine
17:45-18:00: Q&A
18:00- Food, Refreshments and mingling
Please use the QR code in the attached poster to sign up for the event!
Novartis bedriftspresentasjon studenter 15 juni 2022 A4 plakat FINAL.pdf