IT-support for PhD students – Mimes Brønn

NTNU has recently established a separate center to support PhD students’ challenges related to the use of IT in their research.

«Mimes Brønn»  (or in English Mimir’s well) is a meeting place for NTNU PhD students and IT professionals. The objective of Mimes Brønn is to help PhD students get started with their research as quickly as possible.  By facilitating a common physical location for periods of one to four weeks, the IT department can help scientists get started with their work faster, reducing the time spent navigating the technological jungle.

Read more here:

More info is coming!

A new round of DION Grants announced 

DION is happy to announce a new round of support grants for educational or social activities for our members at NTNU! All PhD candidates, Postdocs and other temporary scientific employees at NTNU are eligible to apply for a grant (up to 2500 NOK) to cover expenses related to organizing activities that create opportunities for PhD students and post-docs to network, learn, and enrich their experience. Please note that master degree students are NOT eligible.  

DION will give preference to applications which are targeted towards an open audience. Applications for the exclusive benefit of one department or faculty will still be accepted but applications that are accessible for all DION members will be prioritized.

1. The extended deadline for sending the application is 23:59 CET 18th February, 2019. Applications will be evaluated by DION board members. You can apply via this Google form filling out all mandatory fields: 

2. Funding should be used by the end of June, i.e. until 30.06.2019 23:59 CET 

3. The organizers are expected initially to cover the costs of the event and then seek reimbursement of the costs from DION. No a priori funding is given.

Please note that the receipts and all reimbursement documents should be submitted to DION at the LATEST two weeks after the event, but before the end of June, 2019 – whichever comes first. Otherwise, reimbursement of the costs is not guaranteed. 

4. In case of approval of the grant, the organizers should promote DION by making it a co-host of the Facebook event, and allowing a DION board member to attend the event for promotion purposes. A DION board member will be assigned to each approved application, and the organizers will liaise with them about the event. 

5. Please note that the maximum amount DION can reimburse is 2500 (two thousand and five hundred) NOK. If overall cost of the event exceeds 2500 NOK, it is organizer’s sole responsibility to get extra funding from other sources. Any requests for more than 2500 NOK from DION will be automatically declined.


Last year’s successful grant applicants were (these are just examples – you are not requested to organize a similar, or a follow-up project):  

  • “Smart City Day” 
  • “Randomized Coffee Trials (RCTs)” 
  • “PhD and Postdoc Choir” 
  • “Academic/social events with particular interest towards LGBT community” 
  • “Screening of independent films and debates aimed towards foster dialogues” 
  • “Bouldering course” 
  • “Industrial networking” 
  • “Critical Gender Salon project” 

Apply or forward to those who might be interested!

DION Newsletter January and February

Dear Colleague,
we are pleased to share our latest newsletter. We have many exciting events happening this month! Check out upcoming events and see the summary of the past events as well. 

Highlights for January and February:
1. A new round of DION Grants announced
All PhD candidates, Postdocs and other temporary scientific employees at NTNU are eligible to apply for a grant (up to 2500 NOK) to cover expenses related to organizing activities that create opportunities for PhD students and post-docs to network, learn, and enrich their experience.
Deadline: 23:59 CET, 11th of February, 2019
You can apply via this Google form filling out all mandatory fields:
2. DION on ice
When: 12:00 – 13:30, Sunday, 27th of January, 2019
Where: Leangen Ishall (Tungavegen 3, 7047 Trondheim, Norway)
Want to try out ice skates for the first time, or simply show off your skills? Join DION for a fun day out on the ice at Leangen Ishall.
3. Swing Dance Evening
When: 18:00 – 20:00, Friday, 15th of February, 2019
Where: Realfagbyg parketten?
Together with NTNUI Swing og Folke Dans, we have the pleasure to host a 2 hour Swing dance evening at the Realfagbyg parketten.
For more details check the attached newsletter!
Follow us on the social media to stay updated on news and further upcoming events:

Innsida: DION’s channel


Please, help us to spread this info and share it with other temporary scientific employees you know!
Forward the following link to those willing to subscribe to our newsletter: 

Join our new Facebook group “DION forum”

Stay easier in touch with others at NTNU and join our new facebook group “DION forum“!

The group is our social platform, where you can ask questions related to your PhD/Post-Doc life at NTNU.
For example, you can ask there if someone could lend you ice skates for the upcoming DION ice skating event if you don’t own a pair yourself ?
Other examples:
“Is someone here proficient in xyz? Internet/colleagues were not able to answer my question”
“I did not leave for the holidays. Who wants to spend New Years eve together?”
“Does anyone know what “Stripa” is? I asked my colleagues but noone seems to know”
“Would anyone like to plan a PhD cabin trip together with me?”

!! Remember that if you have any work-related inquiries which you don’t want to share publicly, you can always send us an email to:
You might find helpful to check out the FAQ section on our website first. !!

Let’s stay it touch!

DION on ice

Winter is definitely here, and so is the ice skating season! Want to try out ice skates for the first time, or simply show off your skills? Join DION for a fun day out on the ice at Leangen Ishall.

When: Sunday, 27 January 2019, 12:00-13:30
Where: Leangen Ishall (Tungavegen 3, 7047 Trondheim)

There is matches during the day, so make sure you get there by 12 PM, to get most out for the day. Unfortunately, ice skates cannot be rented at Leangen, but there are several options if you do not own your own or can borrow from friends or colleagues.
Used Ice skates can be bought cheap at Fretex, or borrowed through volunteer centers. Another alternative is to try touring skates. Blyberget Frileik in Trondheim are kindly lending us some touring skates. But then you´ll need to bring cross country ski shoes (NNN BC binding or NNN binding). Feel free to ask if you have any questions. They look something like this.

Make sure to bring hot clothes, a helmet, and wool socks is a must! Skiing poles and knee pads might also be a good idea if you are trying for the first time.

We will be using the outdoor skating range, where there is no entry fee. DION will provide some hot drinks.

We are looking forward to see you there!

Follow the event on Facebook for updates: