DION’s Julebord 2019 [Registration required]

Date: 16th December 2019 (Monday)

Time: 6 pm – 10 pm

Venue: EL 21, Elektro Building, NTNU Trondheim

We know you were craving it, so here we are, announcing the official DION’s julebord 2019!
Food will fill our bellies, Gløgg will flow in our veins and the Christmas spirit will make our hearts rejoice. The party will start at 18:00 on Monday 16 December in EL21, in Gamle Elektro, Gløshaugen.
Feel free to bring your family and your partner, but confirm your participation as soon as possible, since we only have a limited number of seats (50)!

Link to the registration form (you can register up to 4 persons)

Link to the fb event

A Night At The Movies: Outdoor Cinema

Date: 13th December 2019 (Friday)

Time: 8pm – 10pm

Venue: Julemarkedet Trondheim (Torvet)

The Julemarkedet (Christmas Market) in Trondheim is hosting an outdoor cinema at Torvet, and DION is inviting all PhDs, postdocs, and other temporary research staff to come along with us.

The movie is A Nightmare Before Christmas, perfect for the season! The screening is free and there will be Pizza and one hot drink for everyone! So join us, and feel free to bring your partners/kids along with you.

Movie event here

About the movie: What happens when holidays collide ? A 1993 animation by Tim Burton and Henry Selick.
Reviews and more info

Link to the facebook event

Improv Workshop with Gibberish! With PIZZA [Reserve Your Spot!]

Date: 5th December 2019 (Thursday)

Time: 6pm – 9pm

Venue: Realfagbygget, R4, NTNU Trondheim

Have you ever thought you would make for a good Improv artist? Or you wanted to join in for the sheer fun of it? Well, here is the good news: DION is inviting Trondheim’s most active and popular Improv group, Gibberish, for a workshop just for the PhDs, Postdocs, and other scientific employees.

(Improv, or improvisational theatre, is an art form where most or all of the performance is created spontaneously, without any prepared scripts or plan)

So buckle up, and join us for a fun evening! The event is free, and there will be pizza too! Seriously, there’s no reason for missing out on this!

Reserve a spot on our Facebook event

Hope to see you there!

Minigolf (Family-friendly event) with DION [Registration Needed]

Date: 1st December 2019 (Sunday)

Time: 3pm – 6pm

Venue: Trondheim Camping, Olav Tryggvasons Gate 5, Trondheim

It is time for a fun family friendly event! DION invites you, along with your partner and kids, for a minigolf evening at Trondheim Camping. The venue sports 12 different lanes, and a bar if you want to have some drinks. The event is FREE FOR THE FIRST 50 REGISTREES

Registration Here

(Image Credits: https://www.campingen.no/en/trondheim)

Hope to see you there!

Update: Free Spots left (18) – Check the fb event for more recent updates

Link to facebook event

DION Pre-Christmas Gathering in Gjøvik (with cake)

Date: 27 November (Wednesday)

Time: 4pm – 5:30pm

Venue: Kitchen in the A building. NTNU Gjøvik

An informal gathering for PhDs, postdocs, and other temporary scientific staff at NTNU to discuss future plans of DION in Gjøvik, and give you an opportunity to chat with your colleagues before we all leave for holidays.

We also want to start discussing with potential candidates willing to join the DION board in spring.

Yummy cake will be served.
We are looking forward to seeing you all!

Photo by Chinh Le Duc on Unsplash [https://unsplash.com/photos/CtrEJu5vUg0] 
Link to facebook event