DION call for grant applications 2019

DION is happy to announce a new round of support grants for educational or social activities for our members at NTNU! All PhD candidates, Postdocs and other temporary scientific employees at any NTNU campuses are eligible to apply for a grant (up to 2500 NOK) to cover expenses related to organizing activities that create opportunities for PhD students and post-docs to network, learn, and enrich their experience. Please note that Master degree students are NOT eligible.

DION will give preference to applications which are targeted towards an open audience. Applications for the exclusive benefit of one department or faculty will still be accepted but applications that are accessible for all DION members will be prioritized.

This year, we also decided to give preference to applications addressing the topics of “parenthood” (for example by making the event explicitly family friendly, by organizing an event around the topic of parenthood during PhD/ post-doc, etc.) or “mental health“. We also highly encourage those interested to apply as a group, although grant applications by individuals remain welcome.


  1. The deadline for sending the application is 23:59 CET 01 October, 2019. Applications will be evaluated by DION board members. You can apply via the application form filling out all mandatory fields and sending it to post@dion.ntnu.no
  2. Funding should be used by the end of January 2020
  3. The organizers are expected initially to cover the costs of the event and then seek reimbursement of the costs from DION. No a priori funding is given. Please note that the receipts and all reimbursement documents should be submitted to DION at the LATEST two weeks after the event, but before the end of January, 2020 – whichever comes first. Otherwise, reimbursement of the costs is not guaranteed.
  4. In case of approval of the grant, the organizers should promote DION by making it a co-host of the Facebook event, and allowing a DION board member to attend the event for promotion purposes. A DION board member will be assigned to each approved application, and the organizers will liaise with them about the event.
  5. Please note that the maximum amount DION can reimburse is 2500 (two thousand and five hundred) NOK. If overall cost of the event exceeds 2500 NOK, it is organizer’s sole responsibility to get extra funding from other sources. Any requests for more than 2500 NOK from DION will be automatically declined.

Last year’s successful grant applicants were (these are just examples – you are not requested to organize a similar, or a follow-up project):

  • Randomized Coffee Trials
  • PhD and Postdoc Choir
  • Smart City Day
  • OK Computer: Being a researcher in the digital era
  • How to pitch your research “story” to a non-academic audience
  • Laser tag in Gjøvik
  • Stoic Principles for a Healthy Academic Life


We are looking forward to your applications!

Queer Movie Night (with NTNU LGBT+ Staff network)

Date: 12th September (Thursday)

Time: 5:30 pm – 8:00 pm

Venue: Gløshaugen, Hovedbygningen, H2

What says Seasons of Love better than Pride Week!

Come join us for a cozy autumn night, with an award-winning musical about a group of impoverished young artists struggling to survive and create a life in Lower Manhattan’s East Village in the thriving days of Bohemian Alphabet City, under the shadow of HIV/AIDS.

We will have some snacks and soda as well! So grab your friends and get to Gløshaugen Main building (Floor 1, H2) on the12th!

Link to the facebook event

March with Pride! With DION and NTNU LGBTQ+ Staff Network

Date: 14th September (Saturday)

Time: 11:30 am – 2:30 pm

Venue: Trondheim Katedralskole

Image may contain: 17 people, people smiling, people standing, crowd and outdoor

This year marks the 50th anniversary of Stonewall, one of the most important milestones in the movement for LGBTQ rights, and the motivation for the first Pride Parade!

Come celebrate inclusion and diversity with us! This year DION and NTNU LGBTQ+ staff network will be marching together in the parade. So, no matter your NTNU affiliation – or lack of such – we are hoping you will join us!

The parade will go from Trondheim Katedralskole. The parade starts moving at 12.30, but will start organizing from 11.30 and onwards. After the parade, there will be a paradeshow!

Hope to see you there!

DION’s Choir – Open rehearsals and selection

Date: 2nd and 3rd September

Time: 5pm – 7pm (both days)

Venue: Tegnesal 320_321, Sentralbygg 1, Gløshaugen

Image may contain: 12 people, people smiling, people on stage and shoes
Image Source: The New York Times Arts & Leisure section on March 17, 1996

Do you feel your life is a little bit sadder and gloomier without music? Do you have a song in your heart that you cannot sing alone? Do you think that choral singing is one of the best ways to express the beauty of harmonies?
DION’s Choir is what you are looking for! We will have two days of open rehearsals: Monday 2nd (from 17 to 19) and Tuesday 3rd (from 17 to 19) September in Tegnesal 320_321, Sentralbygg 1, Gløshaugen.
Send an email to the choir conductor Mattia Veroni (mattia.veroni@ntnu.no) to sign up. If no options suit you at all, he will do his best to arrange a later meeting.

You don’t need to be a great, trained singer to join our choir (no prior experience required): we look for committed singers with a good intonation, in order to build a vibrant, cozy environment for beautiful harmonies to bloom.
And you, holed up instrumentalists! Do you play piano, guitar o percussions and want to help us? We are looking for a few musicians, so join our open rehearsals!

Link to the facebook event

Stay tuneful 😀

Happy Hour – Semester Kick Off

Date: 26th August (Monday)

Time: 6pm – 9pm

Venue: Work-Work


Welcome back everyone!

Summer is slowly fading out: temperatures are dropping every so slightly, your tan line (if you had the luxury to acquire one) is vanishing and all you have left from your vacation are the 9000 pictures of sun sets you took by the beach. Maybe you have never left the campus and enjoyed the silence in the office/ lab, getting a heart attack whenever you heard footsteps in the hallway (probably another equally scared PhD candidate, working on their research). However you spent your summer – DION invites you to kick-start this   new semester with our classic Happy Hours Shuffle Board event at Work Work.
Show off your pictures, share your vacation stories and get to know old and new fellow PhD and post.docs a bit more.
We reserved two  (!) Shuffle Boards from 18.30 – and the first hour is, as it is custom by now, sponsored by DION.
Work work also provides other board games and a good atmosphere to mingle and chat, if you are not so much of a gaming type.
So all you need to do is to join us!

Link to the Facebook Event