Stress management – supervision group for PhD Candidates at NTNU Gjøvik

How do you manage stress while working on your PhD?

NTNU in Gjøvik’s local Occupational Health Services arranges group supervision for English speaking PhD Candidates at NTNU in Gjøvik with Linde Borgen/ psychotherapist and stress management coach, Stamina Occupational Health Service.

Being a Research Fellow and working on your PhD can in itself be an arduous and lonely journey. Adjusting to a new culture can make it even harder. Over time stress-related symptoms tend to emerge. In this supervision group we will inquire into our own situation and explore how to manage stress as it shows up mentally, emotionally and in the body.

The group will meet at campus, daytime, 6 x 2 hours at the following dates and times:

  • April 25 and 30 (09.30 – 11.30 AM)
  • May 14 and 28 (09.30 – 11.30 AM)
  • June 11 and 25 (09.30 – 11.30 AM)

Participants: Min 6/ Max 9

There is no participation fee, but binding registration is required.

For binding registration 10th April latest, contact Lise Konow Linnerud (

Feel free to give feedback if you think the sessions are too long or too many – this is the first time, so we may “build the road as we walk”.

Election for the 2019-2020 DION Board! / Still til DION-styret! 

All PhD students, post-docs, and temporary scientific employees are eligible to run for a DION board position! DION Board elections will take place at our 2019 Annual General Meeting (AGM), 25th April at R2 Realfagbygget (Trondheim). 

The DION Board consists of 5 to 8 members, including DION president, who serve for 12 months (until spring 2020). DION is the only organization at NTNU which represents PhDs and post-docs from across the university. We hold monthly board meetings and discuss wide-ranging questions we receive from PhD students, post-docs, institutes, and the NTNU Board. This is an opportunity influence the work situation of the academic temporary staff, and get insight into how the university works. DION is invited to various university events throughout the year and presents at faculties’ introduction seminars for new PhD students. We therefore strive to have the broadest range of disciplines represented on the board to bring diverse perspectives to our discussions. We also serve as an important social arena, and hold event targeted at different groups throughout year.  

As a compensation for this work, board members receive one month of paid extension of the PhD (or one month paid duty work), and the DION president receives two months.  

What is needed from the candidates: 

  • All candidates must be employed at NTNU as a temporary scientific employee (such as PhD student and Post-doc) and have a contract for at least until spring 2020;  
  • For the president position, Norwegian proficiency is required. 

Send your short application including name, affiliation short bio and motivation (1 page max) to if you’d like to join next year’s DION Board preferably in advance of the AGM. Alternatively, contact the board at the beginning of the AGM. You’re welcome to contact us to if you have any questions about joining the Board. 

NB: At the AGM, candidates will have the opportunity to present themselves. If you cannot join the AGM, you are still eligible! Send us a short video (1-2 min max) motivating your election as a  board member, or we can read out the application you sent to us for you 🙂 


Nytt DION-styret (Doktorgradsstipendiater interesseorganisasjon ved NTNU) velges på årsmøte 25. April. Alle stipendiater, post-docer og midlertidige vitenskapelige ansatte kan stille! 

DION-styret består av 5 til 8 medlemmer som velges for ett år (fram til våren 2020). DION er den eneste organisasjonen som representerer stipendiater og post-docer på tvers av hele universitetet. Vi holder månedlige styremøter hvor vi tar opp ulike spørsmål og problemstillinger fra stipendiater, post-docer, institutter, fakulteter og NTNU-styret. Vi fungerer også som en sosial arena, og vi holder arrangementer rettet mot ulike grupper stipendiater. 

Send gjerne en e-post til for spørsmål eller eller melde ditt kandidatur. 

 Vervet gir nyttig ledererfaring, og innblikk i hvordan universitetet fungerer på ulike nivåer. DION er representert på diverse arrangementer ved universitetet, og presenterer på f.eks. introduksjonsseminarer for stipendiater.  

 Styrevalget blir avholdt på årsmøte 25. april. For å kunne stille til styret må man ha kontrakt fram til våren 2018 eller lenger. Styrevervet gjør det mulig å søke om én måneds forlengelse av stillingen (eller én måneds pliktarbeid) betalt av NTNU, leder vervet gir mulighet for 2-månders forlengelse (Forskrift om stipendiater ved NTNU, §2). Vi streber mot mangfold i styret, og representasjon fra flest mulig fakultet.  

 NB: Du kan fortsatt stille selv om du ikke kan være tilstede på årsmøte. Send informasjon om deg selv (fagområdet, bakgrunn, motivasjon, osv.) sammen med et bilde som kan vises på årsmøtet.  

Board Elections for temporary academic staff – propose candidates by 20 March at 16.00h

Styrevalg for midlertidig vitenskapelig ansatte –  foreslå kandidater innen 20. mars kl 1600

NTNUs styre tar viktige beslutninger om universitets faglige utvikling og bruk av ressurser. Kjenner du noen som kunne gjort en god jobb i NTNU-styret? Som velger har du innflytelse ikke bare ved å stemme, men også ved å fremme kandidater.

Vi trenger kandidater av begge kjønn og fra alle deler av universitetets virksomhet. Kandidatene må være ansatt i minst 50 % stilling og ha et tilsettingsforhold som dekker valgperioden (dvs. ut juni 2020). Kandidatene må beherske norsk skriftlig og muntlig. Styremedlemmer får honorar for møtene.

Forslag undertegnes av tre stemmeberettigete fra samme velgergruppe. Kandidatene bør forespørres om de er villige til å stille til valg. Forslag sendes til senest onsdag 20. mars kl 1600. Du finner forslagsark på valgsiden.


Board Elections for temporary academic staff – propose candidates by 20 March at 16.00h

The Board takes important decisions on the academic development and distribution of resources at the university. Would you like to contribute by stepping forward as a candidate or by proposing a candidate to the elections?

We need candidates of both gender and from all parts of the university. Candidates must have at least a 50 % position which covers the elected term (that is a work contract till 30 June 2020). The working language of the Board is Norwegian, so candidates must master Norwegian sufficiently to read meeting documents and actively engage in the deliberations of the Board. The members are compensated for the work.

Proposals must be signed by three temporary academic staff. Candidates should be asked if they are willing to stand for elections. Proposals should be sent to no later than Wednesday 20 March at 16.00 hours.  Use the template which is linked up on the elections webpage.

DION Grants 2019 winners

DION’s call for Grants applications 2019 is finished!

Now we are happy to announce the successful applicants:

1. “OK Computer: Being a researcher in the digital era”, Dimitra Christidou (Department of Computer Science)
2. “HOW TO PITCH YOUR RESEARCH “STORY” TO A NON-ACADEMIC AUDIENCE” (Department of Sociology & Political Science)
3. “Laser tag in Gjøvik”, Fereshteh Mirjalili (Department of Computer Science)
4. “Stoic Principles for a Healthy Academic Life”, Logan Reed Vallandingham (Department of Industrial Economics and Technology Management)


DION thanks all the applicants who submitted their applications and encourages all members to apply next year!

We are looking forward for all supported activities!
