University Board elections

Til midlertidig vitenskapelig ansatte,

Er du selv kandidat eller kjenner noen som kunne gjort en god jobb i NTNU-styret? Forslag på kandidater fremmes innen onsdag 20. mars. Forslagsskjema finner du på nettsiden for valget:

Sjekk også via «valgweb» at du står riktig oppført i manntallet. Feil forekommer og manntallet vil ikke bli rettet etter klagefristen onsdag 6. mars. Du finner lenke til «valgweb» på nettsiden over.


To Temporary Academic Staff,

Are you a candidate yourself, or do you know someone who could do a good job on the NTNU Board? Send your candidate proposal by Wednesday 20 March. Visit the website for the board elections to find out how you do this:

We also encourage you to check via “valgweb” your listing in the register of voters before the closing date for submitting complaints 6 March. You find a link to “valgweb” on the above website.


Ida Munkeby (Organisasjonsdirektør/Director of Organization)

PhD event with McKinsey at NTNU

Would you like to know how the skills you acquire as a PhD are handy in business? How your background from a PhD is relevant as a management consultant?

Thursday March 14th McKinsey invites PhD students and Post-docs from NTNU to get to know us better.
The event will take place from 12:00-13:30 in Fram at NTNU (Gamle Fysikk, Gløshaugen) where lunch will be served and you get a chance to meet some of our consultants.
We will give a brief talk on what skills you gain from a PhD that businesses will appreciate and how your background is relevant for McKinsey.
We will also give an introduction to a current topic in business; circular economy, followed by mingling.

If you are interested in joining our PhD event, please reach out to Nooria Akbar at, sharing your name, the subject of you previously degree, your current PhD program and expected year of graduation by March 11.

Tax seminars at NTNU

Did you know that everyone who receives salary in Norway must receive tax return form by 1st of April and submit it to the Tax Administration before April 30th?
Luckily, NTNU arranges seminars for international researchers about tax and tax return each year. The seminars are arranged by NIRS together with the Tax Authorities in Trondheim and provide unique opportunity for information regarding the topic. We recommend you to bring your tax return form with you to the event.
There are two events offered:
General seminar about tax and tax return on April 4th, no registration needed
Individual tax guidance appointments on April 10th, registration is needed.

Seminar/course: “Working with Norwegians”

NTNUs International Researcher Support (NIRS) invites the international researchers to the seminar/course “Working with Norwegians” on 20th March. Lunch is included. Registration is required before 15th March 2019.
The seminar is very helpful for international employees, we highly recommend you to attend!
Read more about the seminar: