Election of the 2017-2018 DION Board will take place during the Annual General Meeting 10. May at Klubben, Samfundet (Facebook event). Attendees can vote at the AGM, and those not present at the AGM can vote by email once all board candidates have been presented. A list of all candidates will be posted on our homepage, Facebook, and Innsida during the AGM. Once the list is posted, votes for board members can be emailed (from NTNU email addresses) to kine.sørli [at] ntnu.no. Each person can vote for up to 7 candidates for the board. Voting will close at kl 18.50. Please check this space again for the list of candidates to be posted on 10. May evening.
The meeting will be available on stream here:
We look forward to your participation in the DION 2017 Annual General Meeting!