DION Trondheim is happy to announce a pizza seminar organized in collaboration with Tekna. The seminar will be held by Alexander Iversen and here is a list of topics he will cover:
- Working in Norway – how does the Norwegian Model work, and why are unions so important here?
- How to be temporarily employed – what can unions do for you when temporarily employed?
- Tekna NTNU – who are we and how can we help you
The seminar will take place at Gløshaugen campus in auditorium S1 (Sentralbygget/Stripa) on Tuesday 14th of November from 16.30.
The deadline for registration is Saturday 11th of November. If you have signed up, and are not able to attend, please let us know.
Register here: https://forms.office.com/e/ri1VREbLGp