This workshop series provides research-based introduction to and practical training in effective communication of own research to important audiences in academic and non-academic contexts (such as journals, user groups, and the general public). The focus is on the communication of own research.
Detailed information
- seven 3-hour workshops, always on Wednesday mornings
- dates: March 31; April 7, 14, 21; May 5, 12, 19
- time: 09:00 – 12:00
- place: MS Teams (the link will be sent to registered participants)
- you will work on your own writing projects in the workshops
- workshop instructor: Hana Gustafsson (ISL, NTNU)
This workshop series also makes it possible to work towards obtaining course credits; more details can be found here. Contact the workshop instructor if you are considering this possibility. Note that you need to check with your Faculty if these course credits will count towards your PhD training.
*NB: This workshop series is dedicated for PhD candidates; it is not open for other NTNU employees.
See more information and sign up for the workshops here. (Link to Læringsportalen.)