PhD Career Day with Novartis

DION invites PhD-students and Postdocs within life-sciences to the Career Day by Novartis to show how Novartis as a global pharmaceutical company works to make a difference to patients.

When? 15. june 2022; 16:00-18:00
Where?  Kunnskapssenteret St.Olavs, rom KS12

16:15-16:25:      Introduction by DION
16:25-17:00:      Breaking into the pharmaceutical industry
17:00-17:15:      Q&A
17:15-17:45:      Novartis, Reimagining Medicine
17:45-18:00:      Q&A
18:00-            Food, Refreshments and mingling

Please use the QR code in the attached poster to sign up for the event!

Novartis bedriftspresentasjon studenter 15 juni 2022 A4 plakat FINAL.pdf

DION will join the protest organized by Forskerforbundet

When? Monday 13 June at 1200-1300 on the lawn behind the main building at Gløshaugen.

Why? After repeated and dramatic cuts in funding for research infrastructure, construction projects, student grants, projects funded through the Research Council and the continuation of the ABE cuts, Forskerforbundet and the other unions at NTNU believe that enough is enough – research and education need long-term.

We want to spend an hour of the working day to mark this with appeals from, among others, May-Britt Moser, the students and Forskerforbundet. Together we will show that research and education are important for the future of Norway.

We encourage you to stop working and join the event to send a clear signal to the government.

Foraging course with DION (Trondheim)

DION would like to invite you to a foraging course!

In the pristine Norwegian forest, there is so much to experience. Despite the fact that we like to explore nature, we do not fully understand the fragility and exciting life of the different ecosystems. Most people have very limited knowledge about mushrooms, edible plants, seaweed, and sustainable harvesting.

Through a lecture and a tour by an expert from Boreal Forest you will increase your knowledge about sustainable and safe foraging. There are two dates you can attend the course. Please sign up only for one of these dates.

The price is 350 NOK (The original course price is 450 NOK, DION will pay 100 NOK for you!).

The number of places is limited: 30 participants, 15 for each course, so hurry up! 

Registration is open until Wednesday (18th of May) at 10am.

4th of June (Saturday) 10.00 – 12.30

Please use this form to sign up:

13th of June (Monday) 17.00 – 19.30

Please use this form to sign up:

Ski Course with DION (Trondheim)

Dear all,

We would love to go skiing with you, so we would like to organize a course with Trondheims Skiklub! If you are interested, you can find some details here:

1. The weather at the moment makes it difficult to predict when we could do the course. Therefore we ask you to choose one of the indicated dates in the form which you can find at the end of this announcement.
2. The course costs 650 NOK. When we reach 30 people, the price will go down to 600 NOK. The course is unfortunately very expensive for us to take over completely. We would take over 150 NOK per person.
3. One instructor is provided per 6 people and the course lasts 1.5 hours, the equipment is included in the price.

If you have any questions, please contact me. And please share this info with friends and colleagues! 

Registration is open until Friday, 14.01,10 am. 

Registration form:

You will be contacted shortly after with more information. 

Holiday Movie Night! (Trondheim)

Join DION for a cozy holiday movie night on Friday, December 10th in R9 at Realfagbygget (?Trondheim).

The doors open at 18:00 and the movie will start at 18:30?

We will serve snacks and drinks??

You are welcome to bring a friend???

Registration link: