Vision Engineering workshop and dinner in Kalvskinnet (Trondheim)

Stop hustling and bustling, press pause and use the darkest time of the year to look at your visions.

You can look at your PhD or postdoc visions but also on your personal life or other visions you might want to explore.

Together we will create a room where we can listen to our innermost voice to realise where we are at and where we want to go and most importantly how we want to walk there.

How will we do that?

We will use different tools to create a clear vision, such as writing, music, meditation and drawing.

At the end of this workshop you will have more clarity, be honest to what matters really to yourself and you will have a beautiful drawing of your visions.

Join our container of curious minds to unfold into the fullness of who you are, and learn how it is all connected towards the path of your vision.

The workshop will last 90 minutes and afterwards we will have a dinner together to reflect on our personal outcomes.

This workshop is organized by Ronja Lappe and Ursula Enzenhofer and sponsored by DION within the Winter Grants 2022.

Sign up here:…/1dQasgFO_WxB7Nt…/viewform…

When: December 7, 19:00 – 21:00

Where: Trondheim City Center – Campus Kalvskinnet Room: Akrinn: U202 // Mazemap Link:

2nd NTNU Internationalization Conference

DION would like to invite you to the 2nd NTNU Internationalization Conference that will take place on 6 and 7 December at Gløshaugen campus. One parallel session will be held at NTNU in Ålesund and plenary sessions will be streamed to employees at NTNU in Gjøvik and NTNU in Ålesund.

The conference is for all NTNU employees, newcomers to international cooperation and experienced internationalists, younger and established researchers, leaders at all levels and administrative employees.

DION is co-organizing the plenary session 6: “International researcher careers – how and why to invest in mobility”

You can expect inspiring stories from internationally mobile researchers and practical advice on how to organize your stays abroad.

When: 7th of December at 10.45-12.15

Where: Natural Science Building or Old Electrical Engineering Building, Gløshaugen

Check out the full program here:

Registration deadline: 28th of November

Mental Fitness Workshop (DION, Gjøvik) 

We would like to remind all PhDs, postdocs and temporary employees at NTNU Gjøvik about the mental fitness workshop that will take place on November 15th, 17:00-19:00 in G303. The workshop will be held by Elizabeth Sturdy. Elizabeth is a Mindset Coach and the founder of Sturdy Coaching AS. She did this workshop for NTNU in Trondheim this past Thursday and here is some of the feedback they got: 

A bit about her: I am an American who loves living in Trondheim – the international community, living in the city center and ALL the outdoor adventures. As founder of Sturdy Coaching AS, I provide mindset coaching and mental fitness training to the international community in Norway. My work is based on Co-Active and Positive Intelligence (PQ) Coach Training, 10 years as an educator, and my personal experience with burnout and mental health struggles while living in Norway.

Workshop Aim:

  • provide practical tools and insights to Ph.D. candidates struggling with overthinking, stress management, and feeling stuck.

Key Topics:

  • Identify negative thought patterns & explore their impact
  • Learn and practice building 3 mental fitness muscles
  • Learn tools to respond to life’s challenges from a positive mindset

Identifying your negative thought patterns or “saboteurs” is a key first step in building your mental fitness. In order to get the most out of our workshop, please take this 10-minute assessment prior to the workshop. 

Please bring a pen to the workshop???. We look forward to getting to know you better and working with you this Tuesday at 17:00! 


Visiting the National Museum in Oslo (DION, Gjøvik)

DION Gjøvik would like to invite you to its introductory event on Norwegian Cultural Heritage, as part of the Mental Health and Awareness Month 2022, a visit to the National Museum in Oslo. We will have a full day in Oslo, so it is the opportunity to discover many other spots in the Capital.
You can also skip the National Museum Visit if you wish to do something else, you are free to fill that day in Oslo however you like.
But, if you do register for the visit, we kindly ask you to uphold your registration.

Event Information: 
Date: Saturday November 26th
Place: Oslo + National Museum
Time: From 9AM (departure from Gjøvik) to 9PM (Departure from Oslo)

DION will cover the Museum Entry fee of the First 25 Registered Students, so we will unfortunately have to choose based on the “First arrived, first served” rule. But, you are very much welcome to join even if you’re outside of the first 25 registered. Please use this link to sing up:

Registration Deadline: Sunday 20/11/2022 at Midnight.

Looking forward to seeing you on November 26!

DION winter grants for educational or social activities

Do you have a great idea for an activity or event? 

DION is happy to announce a new round of support grants for educational or social activities for our members at NTNU!  

All PhD candidates, Postdocs and other temporary scientific employees at any NTNU campuses are eligible to apply for a grant?(up to 2000 NOK)?to cover expenses related to organizing activities that create opportunities for PhD students and post-docs to network, learn, and enrich their experience. Please note that Master degree students are NOT eligible. If there are applicants from Trondheim, Gjøvik and Ålesund, it will be prioritized to grant one to each of the three cities.

Since it is soon festive season, we also appreciate Christmas/ Hanukkah/Winter Solstice themed events! 

DION will give preference to applications which are targeted towards an open audience. Applications for the exclusive benefit of one department or faculty will still be accepted but applications that are accessible for all DION members will be prioritized. 

If interested,?you can apply by filling this form DION-Grant-Application-Form-Winter-2022.docx ?and sending it to? sure to go through the rules in the application form. 

Deadline?for submissions is?15th November 2022. 

Contact the DION board if you have any questions: