2025 DION Board

We are thrilled to announce the results of the DION elections for 2025! Over 2,600 temporary scientific employees were invited to ditt valg, with turnout rates for both leadership and board members exceeding 5% .?

Here is the newly elected DION board:?

President: Xiaoran Gao, Trondheim

Vice President: Diana Giovanni Magnano, Ålesund

Ordinary Board Members
Bita Panahi, Gjøvik
Alireza Norouziasas, Trondheim
Olga Usachova, Trondheim
Themba Baloyi, Ålesund
Shrabanti Kundu, Gjøvik
Bhanu Shrestha, Gjøvik

[DION Grant Event] Listen to Norwegian classical tunes with a Grieg Bonanza and let’s enjoy a cozy autumn evening together!

DION invites temporary staff at NTNU Gjøvik to a concert on Thursday, the 24th of October 2024. Three exquisite violin sonatas composed by the legendary Norwegian composer, Edvard Grieg, will be played by two contemporary world-famous Norwegian musicians, Eldbjørg Hemsing og Håvard Gimse. The concert  will take place at Friscena, in Gjøvik (where the cinema is), at 18:45 o’clock. More information about the concert here: https://gjovikkinoogscene.no/resonans-eldbjorg-hemsing-og-havard-gimse-ad2f3p/ 

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