We are pleased to announce a half-day event on 6 December, exploring and discussing diversity in NTNU employment, with public presentations by NTNU’s diversity advocates, followed by a closed workshop for employees engaged in issues of diversity at the university. DION highly recommends your participation.
Author: Anna Szlavi
SiN Newsletter
SiN (Association of Doctoral Organizations in Norway) has shared several important updates that we’d like to pass along to our community. Please take note of these announcements and consider getting involved where relevant, SiN can be contacted by styret@stipendiat.no:
Continue reading “SiN Newsletter”DION Grant Seminar on Financial Literacy
When: 16:00, on Wednesday, October 9
Where: G303, GJØVIK (this event is NOT in Trondheim)
Registration: https://nettskjema.no/a/456432
Continue reading “DION Grant Seminar on Financial Literacy”DION Autumn Grant Winners
We are thrilled to announce the selected projects awarded DION grants for Fall 2024!
These innovative initiatives showcase the creativity and dedication of our research community, focusing on a diverse range of topics that aim to foster collaboration, engagement, and development within NTNU.
[DION Grant Event] Listen to Norwegian classical tunes with a Grieg Bonanza and let’s enjoy a cozy autumn evening together!
DION invites temporary staff at NTNU Gjøvik to a concert on Thursday, the 24th of October 2024. Three exquisite violin sonatas composed by the legendary Norwegian composer, Edvard Grieg, will be played by two contemporary world-famous Norwegian musicians, Eldbjørg Hemsing og Håvard Gimse. The concert will take place at Friscena, in Gjøvik (where the cinema is), at 18:45 o’clock. More information about the concert here: https://gjovikkinoogscene.no/resonans-eldbjorg-hemsing-og-havard-gimse-ad2f3p/
Continue reading “[DION Grant Event] Listen to Norwegian classical tunes with a Grieg Bonanza and let’s enjoy a cozy autumn evening together!”