Bowling and Pizza in Gjøvik

Date: Sunday, 24th November

Time: 3pm –7pm

Venue: Bowling 1 Gjøvik, Trondhjemsvegen 

Although it’s already freezing outside, DION wants to keep its members active. After trying ice skating in Fjellhallen on Saturday, we invite DION members and their families to demonstrate their bowling skills too. We will have an opportunity to enjoy the social atmosphere with our colleagues and spend an entertaining evening. Bowling will be followed with yummy pizza to compensate burnt calories and to chat on upcoming Christmas plans. :))

Please note that the event is free for the FIRST 25 REGISTREES ONLY.
Hurry up and register for the event here:
Latecomers and unregistered participants are welcome to join at their own expense!

The lanes are booked from 15:00 sharp. Be on time!
Follow our event on facebook for further updates.

Link to the Facebook Event

PhD/Post Doc lunch (and other temporary scientific staff)

Date: 26th November 2019

Time 12pm – 1pm

Venue: Realfagbygget, R4

Come join us during your lunch break! We would like to invite PhDs, Post Docs and other temporary scientific staff to join us during their lunch break. Bring your own lunch, we will get something for afterwards 🙂

This is a great opportunity to talk to people who are in the same situation as you in a relaxed atmosphere. It is a safe space to vent off about any topic that bothers you and simply exchange with other people who are in the same boat as you are.

Hope to see you there!

Link to the facebook event

Take part in the Teaching Cultures Survey

NTNU is taking part in the Teaching Cultures Survey, a survey in which 13 universities across the world participated in early 2019 and a further group of universities are participating in October/November 2019. Like this wider group of universities, NTNU is looking to understand more about how the status of teaching and learning is viewed by the academic community. Following this 2019 survey, NTNU’s aim is to repeat the survey in 2021 and 2023 with all participating universities to track any changes in staff views. It is hoped the survey will provide helpful information about how university teaching is regarded by staff over time.

All academic staff employed by each participating university – from PhD candiates to professors and board members – are invited to take part. Whatever your discipline or career stage, or how central teaching is to your current role, we would be grateful for your views. You can complete the survey regardless of whether you teach at all, are on parental leave, on sabbatical, or are employed part time or full time.

You can find more information about the survey in this leaflet.

To take part,click on this link.

Board Games and Shuffle Board at Work-Work (Happy Hour)

Date: 4th November 2019

Time: 6pm – 9pm

Venue: Work-Work

Mondays suck?! Maybe not so much with this event to look forward to!
DION invites you to join for a Monday evening at work-work. The shuffleboard table is booked and payed for by DION from 18-19. Otherwise there are plenty of board games available, as well as an enthusiastic board game player from the DION board (Lisa).

See you there!

Link to the Facebook Event

DION meeting with NTNU faculties to discuss onboarding

On Wednesday the 17th of October, DION met with representatives of different faculties to talk about “onboarding” in the different faculties. “Onboarding” is the process of welcoming and integrating new employees at NTNU in their different departments. So, onboarding applies to anything that happens between signing the contract and then being able to “start to research properly” – after one has settled in fully. DION conducted a survey about this process and presented the analysis to the different representatives. The goal was to have a discussion about the different measures used by the different faculties. The results of the survey clearly show a difference between the different faculties. Some faculties are very good at distributing useful information even before a new employee has physically arrived at NTNU. Other faculties do almost not manage to support the new employees. Some employees needed more than 24 weeks before they were able to focus on the work they were supposed to do and not be stuck with different bureaucratic processes. The results from the DION survey will be published soon.

The representatives of the different faculties were mainly consisting of people who are either directly involved in the PhD education or HR. Overall, the representatives were very open to hear about even negative results and seemed happy to get information about how critical the situation is. Together, we were able to have a productive discussion and exchange some knowledge on “best practice procedures”. This was supported through the work of Marit Martinsen, who is the leader of a currently ongoing project at NTNU that focuses exactly on the improvement of the onboarding process. She shortly presented the project and its current state. They focus on making a standard “starter package” that will be implemented NTNU-wide to raise the standard at all faculties. The focus is on different topics, but generally improvement shall happen in the areas of structural transparency (who is responsible for what, who can I ask?), social integration, being clear about future perspectives, how to have a good work-life balance and good mental health. The project is supposed to be done by the end of 2020. DION sees a great potential here for collaboration and hopes that we can strengthen our ties in these matters.

Similar meetings will also happen in the future, addressing, e.g. the offboarding process and how research processes can be better communicated as to avoid problems. We are very happy about the outcome of this meeting and feel positive that the onboarding experience at NTNU will improve soon.