Would you like to promote the interests of PhDs and postdocs at the national level? Do you like the idea of working with a group of engaged early-career scholars from all over the country? Are you already part of an interest organization for PhDs at your institution, or would like to be? If yes, you should join SiN for their AGM on November 25-27!
All the board positions are up for election. Do you want to be our new president, finance officer, our liason to the Council for Universities in Norway or Eurodoc? Maybe you want to work with communication or events? Then run for a position!
Any PhD or postdoc represented by a SiN-member organization can run.
Contact DION (post@dion.ntnu.no) and express your interest!
(NB: Not able to join the AGM in person? You can still run for elections! All we need is a motivation statement via your local organization by November 12)
SiN’s 2022 AGM will be held this year by the University of Agder at their campus in Kristiansand.
The AGM is the highest decision making body of SiN, its responsibility is to approve changes to statutes, approve SiN’s financial report for 2022 and provisional budget for 2023, approve new members, as well as elect a new board who can take SiN into 2023 and set the organization on a strong path for the future.
Meeting Information:
The AGM is currently planned to be roughly 7 hours, from 10:00 to 17:00 on Saturday the 26th.
Description of the positions to run for: