When: 16:30, Friday, 7th of June 2024
Where: R10 (https://link.mazemap.com/WeHwAGHf)
Signup before June 2nd: https://nettskjema.no/a/430046
Want to communicate your research to others? In this DION conference you have 3 minutes to present something related to your research. It could be a paper, a summary/pitch of your research, an idea you are working on…
There are just 2 conditions:
1) Keep it under 3 minutes
2) Make it engaging. You can present in the form you like the most (e.g., a PowerPoint, a Prezi, just talking, singing, etc.).
After presentations, we will vote for the favorite presentation and later, we will have s small quiz. Chocolate plate will be the winning prize.
If you do not wish to present, but still want to come and see what people are doing, you are still welcome to come! There will be pizza and soda for all the attendants. Please signup before June 2nd so we can order right amount of food.