Invitation to visit the Winter park at Hunderfossen

NTNU Gjøvik and DION wants to invite all temporary scientific staff and family to a visit to the Winter park Friday 5th of March.

The Winter Park is described as “An unforgettable winter dream in the Fairy Tale Park for the whole family, with trolls, adventure, snow and ice. We have new spectacular snow and ice art, designed by professional ice artists. There is enjoyable entertainment, horse and sleigh rides, ice cathedral, snow hotel with ice bar, snow slides, mini snowmobiles, ATVs, radio cars and major indoor adventure attractions.”

You can read more about the activities on the Hunderfossen website.

Join us for an adventurous and magical visit in the winter wonderland and a drink of warm or cold non-alcohol drink in King Valemons Ice bar!

A bus will take us from campus at 16:30, and return from Hunderfossen ca 20:15 after the fireworks. Please give feedback in the registration for if you want to take the bus or arrange your own transport.

As there are limited of tickets, register as soon as possible and within 26th of February.

Register here.

If you have any questions, please contact

Hope to see you at the Winter Park!


Let’s celebrate together the 25th anniversary of DION!

DION has been a close friend of PhD candidates, PostDocs and temporary staff of NTNU for 25 years! Can you believe it? Actually, If DION was a person, it would have just the right age to become a PhD candidate. To celebrate this important number and all our adventures together, we ask you out for a laser tag evening this Saturday, the 27th of February, at 5 p.m., in Bowling 1 Gjøvik.

Registration in advance is required. Please sign up here.

Looking forward to sparking laser fireworks together!


Spring 2021: Workspace for Publishing and Outreach for PhD-candidates at NTNU

This workshop series provides research-based introduction to and practical training in effective communication of own research to important audiences in academic and non-academic contexts (such as journals, user groups, and the general public). The focus is on the communication of own research.

Detailed information

  • seven 3-hour workshops, always on Wednesday mornings
  • dates: March 31; April 7, 14, 21; May 5, 12, 19
  • time: 09:00 – 12:00
  • place: MS Teams (the link will be sent to registered participants)
  • you will work on your own writing projects in the workshops
  • workshop instructor: Hana Gustafsson (ISL, NTNU)

This workshop series also makes it possible to work towards obtaining course credits; more details can be found here. Contact the workshop instructor if you are considering this possibility. Note that you need to check with your Faculty if these course credits will count towards your PhD training.

*NB: This workshop series is dedicated for PhD candidates; it is not open for other NTNU employees.

See more information and sign up for the workshops here. (Link to Læringsportalen.)

DION Grants Deadline Extension

New Deadline: 20.01.2021

DION is happy to announce a deadline extension of support grants for educational or social activities for our members at NTNU!

All PhD candidates, Postdocs and other temporary scientific employees at any NTNU campuses are eligible to apply for a grant (up to 2500 NOK) to cover expenses related to organizing activities that create opportunities for PhD students and post-docs to network, learn, and enrich their experience. Please note that Master degree students are NOT eligible.

DION will give preference to applications which are targeted towards an open audience. Applications for the exclusive benefit of one department or faculty will still be accepted but applications that are accessible for all DION members will be prioritized. We  especially encourage digital events this year, due to the pandemic restrictions.

If interested, you can apply by filling this form and sending it to Be sure to go through the rules in the application form.

Christmas celebration and holiday events in Gjøvik

For those spending Christmas in Gjøvik, SiT, NTNU and Gjøvik kommune want to invite you to Christmas events in Gjøvik.

Below is the summary of the events. For the full program and invitation, check out the Invitation to Students Christmas and Invitation to Grøtfest

December 19th and 20th: free cinema at Gjøvik kultursenter

  • Love Actually at 18PM both days.
  • Die Hard 1 at 20: 45PM both days.

To get a free entrance ticket, show your employee ID card and this invitation in the ticket-office.

December 24th:

“Grøtfest” (Porridge party) in Fahlstrøm

Outdoor religious traditional Christmas service by Gjøvik church

December 28th:

Open ice rink in Fjellhallen

December 28th & 30th:

Student house Huset on campus is open!

December 30th:

«Strong during Christmas» – join in on a training session


Please note that you will have to register for the events, and the deadlines for registration. For information concerning registration and deadlines, see attached invitations.


We wish you a peaceful Christmas and a happy new year.