DION introduces INCLUDE!

We would like to announce NTNU’s new Network for Staff with Disabilities, Neurodivergence, Chronic Illness and Mental Health Issues — called INCLUDE. For all employees & allies at all NTNU campuses.

We will host our first meeting on Monday 4 Sept, 12-13:00, on Teams to discuss planned activities, network goals and general operations. Please join us on Teams to access the meetings and information (link below).

Get in touch with us with any questions: includentnu@gmail.com. Also, you can follow us via our Facebook page, ‘Include NTNU’, and join our private Facebook group, ‘INCLUDE @NTNU’.

Teams: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/team/19%3a7b2HqiqRghKVplnIQ5MbOiHA2C6BjGHecb-2Tfa_67Y1%40thread.tacv2/conversations?groupId=bcee21e2-cc2a-463d-bf7c-201e2187d6de&tenantId=09a10672-822f-4467-a5ba-5bb375967c05

SiN and Forskerforbundet workshop on Digital communication that works

The event will take place digitally on the 14th of September at 16.15. It is open to all PhDs and PostDocs and other temporary scientific employees.

Digital communication demands more of both you and your audience. You must be quicker and more precise because it is difficult to keep the attention through the screen. Therefore, structure, variety, and involvement become important keywords.

This course will give you tools and tips on how to become clearer and more engaging when you communicate digitally.

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Meditation course in Ålesund

Dear all temporary staff at NTNU in Ålesund!

DION in Ålesund invites temporary employees to a short introductory course in Kriya Yoga meditation on Friday the 8th of September at 11:15-12:45. This is a meditative (not physical) yoga practice that is suitable for everyone, regardless of physical shape.

Kriya Yoga is a form of meditation that is based on attention and breath. This authentic method originates from yogis in the Himalayas and has been practiced through thousands of years. Through the meditation practice, you experience deep inner silence, which is the basis for peace, joy and self-realisation. Kriya Yoga can be easily integrated into your daily life and will give you an expanded attention and presence, so that you more easily can be “here and now” by calming down your thoughts. The method is very efficient for reducing stress and strengthening concentration and, not least, for bringing out the natural inner joy and satisfaction in life.

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DION Annual Report 2022-2023

DION is happy to share with you our annual report DION_annual_report_2022_2023.pdf !

Our board period has been incredibly active, and we are proud to present the highlights:

Over the past year, DION hosted and co-hosted a total of 49 events across all three NTNU campuses. We also assisted in 28 inquiries and 31 requests regarding event proposals for temporary scientific employees at NTNU. Moreover, we were able to fund 11 grants and gave 13 presentations across several faculties to make DION more visible and accessible to temporary scientific employees.

Continue reading “DION Annual Report 2022-2023”

Norwegian Language course by NTNU at Ålesund and Gjøvik campuses

We at DION have prepared a short questionnaire about your experience of the Norwegian language course run – remotely – by NTNU at Ålesund and Gjøvik campuses. We are trying to find a way to help the university to run this course at its best for these two campuses. If you are attending or have attended the NTNU Norwegian language course, we truly appreciate your feedback about your experience by filling out this questionnaire by March 20th. Please find below the link to the questionnaire:  
