2-day course in research leadership for postdocs by The NTNU Postdoc Action Pilot project

The NTNU Postdoc Action Pilot project is organizing a 2-day course on research leadership specifically targeted at postdocs. The main goal of the course is to support you in developing your long term research career. The course provides both theoretical introductions and practical learning activities. 

When: 28th-29th of November

Where: Scandic Hell

The Postdoc Action will cover the possibility to stay overnight for the participants. Find detailed information and program in the attachment and register before 17th of October:

Course in leadership for Postdocs

To register, visit: https://studntnu.sharepoint.com/sites/kurs/Sider/2-day-course-in-research-leadership.aspx.  If you encounter an error using the website, please try a different browser.

Please contact Ragnhild Lofthus or Kam Sripada if you have any questions.

Happy Hour and Shuffleboard with DION

Join us for this social event after working hours 🙂 DION invites PhDs, Postdocs and other temporary scientific employees to join the Happy Hour with shuffleboard (sponsored by us) at Work-Work! Grab some food and drink or just enjoy the social atmosphere and a game of shuffle board. If you have not tried out shuffle board yet, this is the perfect opportunity to give it a try. It is super easy and reminds of a table version of curling – so give it a go and join us!

When: 11 October, 18:00

Where: Work-Work, Munkegata 58

Follow the event on Facebook to  stay updated:


DION Grants 2018

DION is happy to announce a new round of support grants for educational and/or social activities for our members at NTNU! All PhD candidates, Postdocs and other temporary scientific employees at NTNU are eligible to apply for a grant (up to 2500 NOK) to cover expenses related to organizing activities that create opportunities for PhD students and post-docs to network, learn, and enrich their experience at NTNU. Total sum allocated for this round is 7000 NOK. Please note that master degree students are NOT eligible. 

DION will give preference to applications which are targeted towards an open audience. Applications for the exclusive benefit of one department or faculty will still be accepted but applications that are accessible for all DION members will be prioritized.

1. The deadline for sending the application is 23:59 CET 21st October, 2018 (the initial deadline
October 14th has been extended by one week)
. Applications will be evaluated by DION board members.
You can apply via this Google form filling out all mandatory fields:
2. Funding should be used till the end of the calendar year, i.e. till 31.12.2018 23:59 CET.
3. The organizers are expected initially to cover the costs of the event and then seek reimbursement of the costs from DION. No a priori funding is given. 
Please note that the receipts and all reimbursement documents should be submitted to DION LATEST two weeks after the event, but before the end of the calendar year – whichever comes first. Otherwise, reimbursement of the costs is not guaranteed.
4. In case of approval of the grant, the organizers should promote DION by making it a co-host of the Facebook event, and allowing a DION board member to attend the event for promotion purposes. A DION board member will be assigned to each approved application, and the organizers will liaise with him/her about the event.
Last year’s successful grant applicants were (these are just examples – you are not requested to organize a similar, or a follow-up project):
  • “Academic/social events with particular interest towards LGBT community”
  • “Screening of independent films and debates aimed towards foster dialogues”
  • “Bouldering course”
  • “Industrial networking”
  • “Critical Gender Salon project”
  • “Happy hour for Phd’s and Postdoc’s”
Apply or forward to those who might be interested!

Seminar on Value Creation from Research by the NTNU Postdoc Action Pilot

Seminar on Value Creation from Research

Organized by NTNU Technology Transfer AS

The NTNU Postdoc Action Pilot (Postdoc løftet) project has 10 free seats available for a seminar on value creation from research (in collaboration with NTNU Technology Transfer AS).

When: Friday 7th of September, 12.45-15.30

Where: Scandic Lerkendal, Trondheim (NTNU Postdoc Action)

Registration formhttps://s.ntnu.no/Value_Creation_From_Research_signup

Places will be allocated on a first come, first served-basis – If you are registered, you will get a confirmation e-mail.

Agenda: Seminar on Value Creation from Research?

12.45 Introduction to NTNU ecosystem for innovation and NTNU Technology Transfer
Innovation Manager Hege Tokerud and Project Leader / Associate Professor Tonje S. Steigedal

– NTNUs 3 main assignments: Education, Research and Innovation
– More innovation focus in NFR, EU and industry
– Overview of NTNU Ecosystem
– What rights and innovation support does NTNU offer you?

13.05 Why is innovation important and attractive for you as a researcher?
Professor Lise L. Randeberg – Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering

– Making impact
– Making a career
– Network and training
– Financing of activity

14.50 Coffee Break

14.05 IP introduction for researchers 

IPR Manager Sabina P. Strand

– More than patents, but also patents (trademarks, collaboration agreements, open source, license, standards)
– Basics and trends
– Why is IP regulation and knowledge important for impact

14.35 Examples
– 1-2 commercialization cases
– How were postdocs involved?
– How did this affect their career?
– What other effects?
– What was their motivation?

15.00 Q&A and wrap-up

15.30 End of the program

Delta i spørreundersøkelse for yngre forskere / Participate in survey for young researchers

English below

Hvordan er det å være ung forsker i Norge i dag?

Akademiet for yngre forskere (AYF) er en tverrfaglig møteplass for yngre forskere fra hele landet. Akademiets visjon er å være en tydelig stemme i faglig og forskningspolitisk debatt, foruten en pådriver for nyskapende forskningsformidling og en attraktiv vitenskapelig debattarena.

Arbeidsvilkår under debatt

For tiden er unge forskeres karriere og arbeidsvilkår under debatt. AYF ønsker å vite mer om hvordan unge forskere opplever forskningshverdagen og gjennomfører derfor en spørreundersøkelse.

De som kan delta er forskere som er yngre enn 45 år ansatt ved en norsk institusjon.

Undersøkelsen inneholder spørsmål om:

  • hvordan du opplever å være ung forsker i Norge
  • hvordan du ser på dine karrieremuligheter og -utfordringer
  • ditt forhold til forskningskvalitet og åpen forskning
  • internasjonalisering og mangfold i akademia

Les mer og delta i undersøkelsen:



Har du spørsmål, ta kontakt med Kathrine Røe Redalen (kathrine.redalen@ntnu.no), prosjektleder i Akademiet for yngre forskere.


Participate in survey for young researchers

What is it like to be a young researcher in Norway today?

The Young Academy of Norway is an interdisciplinary meeting place for young researchers from all over the country. The Academy’s vision is to be a clear voice in academic and research policy debate, as well as a driving force for innovative research dissemination and an attractive arena for scientific debate.

Working conditions under debate

Currently, young researchers’ career and working conditions are under discussion. The Young Academy wants to know more about how young researchers experience their work day and is therefore conducting a survey.

Researchers under the age of 45 who are employed at a Norwegian institution can participate in the survey.

The survey contains questions about:

  • How you experience being a young researcher in Norway
  • How you consider your career opportunities and challenges
  • Your relationship with research quality and open research
  • Internationalization and diversity in academia

Read more and participate in the survey:



If you have any questions, please contact Kathrine Røe Redalen (kathrine.redalen@ntnu.no), project leader at the Young Academy.