Public consultation (høring) – New regulations on recruitment positions  

Dear DION Members,  

DION was invited to respond to the consultation process about new NTNU regulations for teaching and research positions and recruitment positions planned to take effect as of January 2025. Public consultations are an essential part of the legislative and regulatory process. This allows stakeholders across the organization, including temporary academic staff like us, to provide feedback on and influence the guidelines and regulations that affect us. 

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The Ukrainian room within Tandem project

We are very pleased to announce that a Ukrainian room has been added to the Language Tandem platform. We would like to invite all Ukrainian academic staff, students and doctoral candidates at the ENHANCE universities (NTNU is one of the seven ENHANCE universities)  to join the project. We hope that this platform will enable our Ukrainian friends to contact each other and to establish new contacts within the ENHANCE community.

To join the platform please go to the following link :

How to join the project

How to join the project / Tandems / Strona g?ówna – ENHANCE – Tandems

Second Language Tandem Kick-Off Meeting

The Language Tandem project has officially started. Since 28th October, 232 people have joined the Webex platform and started looking for tandem partners.  ENHANCE Alliance is organizing the Second Language Tandem Kick-Off Meeting to present the project. You are in time to join us!

We would like to invite you to take part in the Second Language Tandem Kick-Off Meeting. During the meeting, we will present the project and explain how it works. Below you can find the agenda for the meeting and the registration link.

Second Language Tandem Kick-Off Meeting presentation will take place online on Thursday, November 25, from 14:00 to 15:30 (UTC+1:00).

Please find more details and register here:

Language Tandem Kick-Off Meeting

The Language Tandems within the ENHANCE Alliance is a project for students, doctoral candidates, academic and administrative staff that aims to enhance language learning via a language exchange method and enables participants to make new contacts within the ENHANCE community.
During the meeting, we will present the project and explain how it works.

Project presentation will take place online on 25 October from 14:00 to 15:00 UTC+2:00.

For more information:…/