DION winter grants for educational or social activities

Do you have a great idea for an activity or event? 

DION is happy to announce a new round of support grants for educational or social activities for our members at NTNU!  

All PhD candidates, Postdocs and other temporary scientific employees at any NTNU campuses are eligible to apply for a grant?(up to 2000 NOK)?to cover expenses related to organizing activities that create opportunities for PhD students and post-docs to network, learn, and enrich their experience. Please note that Master degree students are NOT eligible. If there are applicants from Trondheim, Gjøvik and Ålesund, it will be prioritized to grant one to each of the three cities.

Since it is soon festive season, we also appreciate Christmas/ Hanukkah/Winter Solstice themed events! 

DION will give preference to applications which are targeted towards an open audience. Applications for the exclusive benefit of one department or faculty will still be accepted but applications that are accessible for all DION members will be prioritized. 

If interested,?you can apply by filling this form DION-Grant-Application-Form-Winter-2022.docx ?and sending it to?post@dion.ntnu.no.?Be sure to go through the rules in the application form. 

Deadline?for submissions is?15th November 2022. 

Contact the DION board if you have any questions: post@dion.ntnu.no 

Apply for a SiN position!

Would you like to promote the interests of PhDs and postdocs at the national level? Do you like the idea of working with a group of engaged early-career scholars from all over the country? Are you already part of an interest organization for PhDs at your institution, or would like to be? If yes, you should join SiN for their AGM on November 25-27

All the board positions are up for election. Do you want to be our new president, finance officer, our liason to the Council for Universities in Norway or Eurodoc? Maybe you want to work with communication or events? Then run for a position!

Any PhD or postdoc represented by a SiN-member organization can run.

Contact DION (post@dion.ntnu.no) and express your interest! 

(NB: Not able to join the AGM in person? You can still run for elections! All we need is a motivation statement via your local organization by November 12)

SiN’s 2022 AGM will be held this year by the University of Agder at their campus in Kristiansand.

The AGM is the highest decision making body of SiN, its responsibility is to approve changes to statutes, approve SiN’s financial report for 2022 and provisional budget for 2023, approve new members, as well as elect a new board who can take SiN into 2023 and set the organization on a strong path for the future.

Meeting Information:

The AGM is currently planned to be roughly 7 hours, from 10:00 to 17:00 on Saturday the 26th.

Description of the positions to run for: 


Mental Fitness Workshop by Elizabeth Sturdy (DION Trondheim)

Over the next few weeks, we will publish each event of Mental Health and Awareness Month 2022, so you don’t miss anything!

Today we would like to invite you to the first event of the month: Mental Fitness Workshop Elizabeth Sturdy!

Join us for the Mental Fitness Workshop on November 3rd at 16.30 in D3, meeting room Onsager (Gloshaugen). You will gain practical insights on how to manage your stress and respond to life’s challenges from a positive mindset! 

Healthy snacks will be served.

Please see the above flyer for more information and register for the event until November 1st using the link below:


Mental Health and Awareness Month 2022 with DION

We are pleased to announce a new format for our traditional events dedicated to mental health and awareness! After your valuable feedback last year, we have turned the Mental Health and Awareness week into a month, making it easier for you to participate in multiple events.

All in all, DION is happy to announce our Mental Health and Awareness Month 2022!

Please find a tentative events plan below so you can save the dates. More information will follow, stay tuned!

Trondheim: Mental Fitness Workshop by Elizabeth Sturdy 

                       When: Thursday, November 3, 16:30-18:30 

                       Where: NTNU – Gløshaugen campus, D3-Møterom Onsager  

                       Registration link: https://forms.gle/k6DLkhaVZC5YtMtDA

                       Registration Deadline: 01.11.2022

                      Lunch and Workshop Mental Health Risks for PhDs/ temporary researchers 

                      When: Monday, November 7 Time 13.00-13:45

                      Where: TBA

                      Registration link: https://forms.gle/C1DLXytZT687hHeX7

                      Registration Deadline: 03.11.2022

                     QiGong by QiGongmedClara 

                     When: Monday, November 14, 16:00-17:00 

                     Where: NTNU Gløshaugen – Tapirbygget – Rom Sprokkit (Høgskoleringen 3 (P15), Floor 5) 

                     Registration link & deadline: TBA

                   Finding home workshop

                   When: Wednesday, November 16, 16:00-18:00 

                   Where: NTNU Gløshaugen – Tapirbygget Rom Sprokkit (Høgskoleringen 3 (P15), Floor 5) 

                   Get your free ticket: https://tikkio.com/e/ba2dfc28b4b5f002c17eef2fa0061f23 

                     Lunch and Workshop Mental Health Risks for PhDs/ temporary researchers 

                     When: November 30, 12.00-12.45

                     Where: TBA

                     Registration link: https://forms.gle/6RwHNDooUUvq68Em8

                     Registration Deadline: 25.11.2022

Gjøvik:        Yoga by Lise Linnerud  

                     When: Friday, November 11, 10:00-11:00 

                     Where: G303, G building

                     Registration link & deadlineTBA

                     Mental Fitness Workshop by Elizabeth Sturdy 

                     When: Tuesday, November 15, 17:00-19:00 

                     Where: G303, G building

                     Registration link & deadlineTBA

                   Oslo tour – visiting the National Museum  

                   When: Saturday, November 26, 09:00-21:00 

                   Registration link & deadline: TBA

Ålesund:   Yoga class

                    When: Tuesday, November 8, 20:00-21:00 

                    Where: TBA

We are looking forward to seeing you!

Finding home Workshop for NTNU temporary scientific employees (DION – Trondheim)

“Make yourself at home” is a common expression we often hear when we’re visiting someone’s place. It is an invitation to feel comfortable. It opens up another way of looking at home: home is a feeling we can create in the present moment.

For many migrants, the departure from home results in an admirable effort to rebuild familiarity and comfort in the host country. Our perceptions of home(s) change from one experience to another. Is home a place, a feeling, a person, a language, or a memory? How do we feel belonged again when home sometimes feels like the missing piece of a puzzle?

Welcome to Finding Home workshop, where we share stories and create an atmosphere of home through zine-making. You can make your own personal “zine” with your chosen content. Whether you like writing, drawing, painting, or any other forms for self-expression on paper, zines are low-stakes and welcome creators of all backgrounds and life experiences. You can use the space of a zine to express your feelings about home, your languages, identities, beliefs and memories. At the end of the workshop, you can bring home your handmade zine as a gift for yourself or for someone you hold dear.

This workshop is free for all participants. No prior knowledge or art experience needed. All materials for making zines will be provided. Feel free to bring along photos, letters, poems, magazines, postcards, or any sentimental pieces that you’d like to put in your zine.

Finding Home workshop is a project started by Minh Chau in 2019 and funded with support from Litteraturhuset’s program Litteratur for inkludering. Minh Chau holds an M.A. in English literature and works in the arts and culture sector in Trondheim. Experience of moving to Norway from Vietnam has inspired her to design a space for self-expression and stories about home despite language and cultural differences.

This workshop event is a collaboration between Minh Chau, Litteraturhuset’s program Litteratur for inkludering, and DION.

When: 16. November 2022, 16:00-18:00

Where: Høgskoleringen 3 (P15), floor 5, campus NTNU Gløshaugen

Please use the following link to register your participation:

Finding home Workshop for NTNU temporary scientific employees | Tikkio

Looking forward to seeing many of you!