DION would like to invite you to the 2nd NTNU Internationalization Conference that will take place on 6 and 7 December at Gløshaugen campus. One parallel session will be held at NTNU in Ålesund and plenary sessions will be streamed to employees at NTNU in Gjøvik and NTNU in Ålesund.
The conference is for all NTNU employees, newcomers to international cooperation and experienced internationalists, younger and established researchers, leaders at all levels and administrative employees.
DION is co-organizing the plenary session 6: “International researcher careers – how and why to invest in mobility”
You can expect inspiring stories from internationally mobile researchers and practical advice on how to organize your stays abroad.
When: 7th of December at 10.45-12.15
Where: Natural Science Building or Old Electrical Engineering Building, Gløshaugen
Check out the full program here: https://www.ntnu.edu/internationalization-conference/internationalization-conference
Registration deadline: 28th of November